The Housing Authority of the City of Goldsboro (HACG) in partnership with the City of Goldsboro, North
Carolina (City), as recipients of Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant from the United Stated Department
of Housing and Urban Development for the West Oak Neighborhood intends to enter
into an agreement with qualified proposers based on a competitive evaluation of submissions received.
HACG is seeking Statements of Qualifications from qualified individuals, firms or development teams to
undertake the development, redevelopment and/or rehabilitation of selected sites in Goldsboro, North
Carolina. The West Oak Neighborhood will be a focus for the redevelopment of HACG properties,
although this solicitation is intended to qualify firms for HACG projects throughout Goldsboro. Consistent
with HUD goals for the Choice Neighborhoods Program, development/redevelopment projects will be
oriented toward mixed‐income developments in which public housing units are combined with market‐
rate units. HACG reserves the right to select multiple developers, if the opportunity presents itself, and to
reject any and all submissions if they are deemed not qualified.
The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be utilized to develop a list of pre‐qualified development
partners. Once the development/redevelopment projects have been approved, HACG will issue project‐
specific development Requests for Proposals that the pre‐qualified development partners can respond to.
HACG will solicit input from the pre‐qualified development partners in advance of future development
RFPs to ensure the projects are feasible. It should be noted that HACG intends to be a co‐developer on
some or all of the projects. HACG may decide to assume management of developed projects after an
agreed upon post‐development time period.
Visit for the full RFQ