CLPHA Advocacy

CLPHA supports the nation’s largest and most innovative housing authorities by advocating for the resources and policies they need to solve local housing challenges and create communities of opportunity. We frequently champion our members' issues, needs, and successes on the Hill, at HUD, and in the media. In these arenas CLPHA also advocates for legislation and policies that help our members, and the public and affordable housing industry as a whole, strengthen neighborhoods and improve lives.

Click below for links to congressional testimonies, statements for the record, action alerts, comments to HUD and other federal agencies, and the latest information about CLPHA's multi-pronged housing advocacy. 

Action Alerts
CLPHA Recent Comments
Yesterday, CLPHA submitted comments on the Draft Revision 4 to the Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice regarding conversion of Section 202 project rental assistance contracts, which were prepared with our counsel, Reno & Cavanaugh, PLLC. The comments underscore CLPHA members’ depth of experience across all aspects of RAD and CLPHA’s unique qualifications to comment on the RAD 4 notice, and...
On February 25, CLPHA submitted comments on the December notice outlining proposed changes to the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC).
Yesterday, CLPHA and counsel Reno & Cavanaugh submitted public comments in opposition to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) proposed rulemaking titled “Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds” (83 FR 51114) (the “Notice”). The Notice proposes to expand the basis upon which a non-citizen seeking adjustments to their residency or visa status are likely to become a “public charge.”
On October 11, HUD released the latest version of the MTW Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program for public comment. The Operations Notice establishes the requirements for the implementation and continued operation of the expansion of the MTW demonstration, following its authorization in the 2016 Consolidated Appropriations...
On August 16, HUD published a new notice, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: Streamlining and Enhancements (the “Streamlining Notice”), soliciting public comments on amendments to the Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH) regulations. HUD had previously published its final AFFH rule in 2015, but implementation of the rule and its various assessment tools has since been suspended. HUD is...
On July 6, CLPHA submitted comments on HUD’s Notice for comment on potential changes to their Housing Choice Voucher renewal funding formula. Thank you to members who provided feedback. Please see below for our final comments and send any questions or comments to Emily Warren at  
Latest News

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