A recent story by NPR highlights the New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA)Food Business Pathways program, a free, ten-week training program offering NYCHA residents guidance in starting food businesses. Since the program’s inception in 2019, 271 NYCHA residents have graduated, and 82 percent of graduates have registered their food businesses.
In one of the largest senior affordable housing deals in Montgomery County, Maryland’s history, the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County acquired a three-property, 286-unit LIHTC portfolio of senior citizen apartment communities.
The Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) and partner Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corp. (WWBIC) held a graduation ceremony for graduates of HACM’s Make Your Money Talk program, a financial literacy initiative that teaches HACM residents about budgeting, improving credit scores, and personal finances.
The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) and CEO Doug Guthrie were recently featured in Affordable Housing News, in a spread celebrating the PHA’s 80th anniversary. Guthrie discussed HACLA’s recent and future efforts to transform and develop HACLA neighborhoods with the help of community input and public and...
The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) hosted a tour for nearly 100 city officials from around the country as part of the National League of Cities’ 2018 City Summit, held in Los Angeles.
The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority awarded $882,000 in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and $500,000 from its Development Fund to the Fort Wayne Housing Authority (FWHA) for the construction of FWHA’s Posterity Village. The 58-unit Posterity Village will provide affordable, supportive housing for families with developmental...
Durham Housing Authority (DHA) CEO Anthony Scott co-authored an op-ed in The Durham Herald-Sunabout how linking Durham's new light-rail project to affordable housing development is integral to DHA’s goal of increasing the city’s affordable housing stock via the RAD program.
CLPHA Vice President and Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) CEO Jeffery Patterson received Medical Mutual and Smart Business’s 2018 Pillar Award for Community Service for CMHA’s innovative work in Cleveland. The Pillar Awards honor organizations in Ohio “that set the standard for outstanding service to their communities.”
The Chicago Bee library branch in Bronzeville hasreopened after a renovation funded by theChicago Housing Authority. The project involved refinishing the building’s historic Art Deco exterior, adding early learning and media spaces, and providing new furniture and equipment.
The Cambridge Housing Authority (CHA) made a mutually beneficial deal with the City of Cambridge that secures city funding for CHA’s Mills River Redevelopment Project, which involves the demolition and reconstruction of a community center as well as the renovation and creation of permanent affordability restrictions for 15 housing units.
The Boston Housing Authority (BHA), the Boston Planning & Development Agency, and Boston Mayor Martin Walsh broke ground on the O’Connor Way Senior Housing Development, a 46-unit affordable housing community for seniors 62 and older.

The San Diego Housing Commissionand partners cut the ribbon on the Luna at Pacific Highlands Ranch, a new affordable housing community in a pricey neighborhood of Northern San Diego that features 77 units for low-income residents.
On December 11, HUD announced a second round of awards for the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program, awarding an additional 424 vouchers. This announcement comes after HUD’s first round of awards in October of over 4,000 vouchers. Congratulations to CLPHA members who received additional awards!
Minneapolis Public Housing Authority Executive Director and CLPHA Board Member Greg Russ (second from left) joins Mayor Jacob Frey (far right) for the signing of Minneapolis’s budget.
On November 21, HUD announced awards for the Family Unification Program (FUP), a partnership between PHAs and child welfare agencies that provides housing assistance to foster youth at risk of homelessness and families whose lack of housing is a reason for their child’s foster care placement or is preventing family reunification. HUD awarded $30 million in funding to provide 3,...
The Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers (MHACY) Executive Director Joseph Shuldiner and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano showed off the first completed phase of MHACY’s Schlobohm Houses revitalization on a tour with the press and New York State Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins. With mixed financing made possible by the RAD program, MHACY will renovate 411...
The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) awarded $760,000 in funding via its Housing First San Diego initiative to National Community Renaissance developers for the construction of San Ysidro Senior Village, a future supportive housing community for seniors experiencing homelessness, including senior veterans.
Connecticut’s Competitive Housing Assistance for Multifamily Properties program awarded Elm City Communities $7.8 million to redevelop 276 units of affordable housing in New Haven.
At a recent meeting of New Haven’s Affordable Housing Task Force, Elm City Communities (ECC) Executive Director Karen Dubois-Walton advocated for new strategies to remedy New Haven’s shortage of affordable housing, including subsidies for single-room occupancy units and having individuals pay what they can afford for rent.
The District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) gave apartment keys to 20 veterans experiencing homelessness as part of DCHA’s Veterans Appreciation Day ceremony. The veterans’ rents will be subsidized with DCHA-funded vouchers.
The Chicago Plan Commission has greenlit plans for a $200 million development, proposed by developer The Habitat Company, the Chicago Housing Authority, and other partners, to transform a struggling neighborhood on Chicago’s West Side. The project’s first phase will redevelop 10 acres of mostly vacant land in the West Side’s North Lawndale...
Kurt Wiest, Executive Director of the Bremerton Housing Authority, co-wrote an op-ed in The Kitsap Sun about how stable, affordable housing is crucial to providing affordable, effective healthcare and improving health outcomes for low-income Americans.
The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association (NH&RA) honored Boston Housing AuthorityAdministrator William McGonagle with its 2018 Affordable Housing Vision Award. The award recognizes affordable housing leaders "for their invaluable contributions and years of commitment to the development and provision of affordable housing." Mr. McGonagle...
Next City covered the Housing Authority of the City of Austin’s (HACA) recent, unusual purchase of a 308-unit luxury apartment building on the open market in partnership with a real estate investment trust (REIT).

Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) Secretary-Executive Director Tony Perez (front, center) holds HACM's Diversity in Business award from The Daily Reporter.