Yonkers MHA Unveils Affordable Housing Renovations


The Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers (MHACY) Executive Director Joseph Shuldiner and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano showed off the first completed phase of MHACY’s Schlobohm Houses revitalization on a tour with the press and New York State Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins. With mixed financing made possible by the RAD program, MHACY will renovate 411 units across eight buildings at a cost of $50 million.

Jordan Downs Revitalization Reaches Significant Milestones With Grand Opening of Century Blvd. Extension and Groundbreaking of Phase 1B


The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles and its development partners broke ground on Phase 1B of its massive Jordan Downs revitalization project. When completed, this phase will utilize RAD to create 135 affordable apartments at a cost of $73 million.

CLPHA Comments to HUD Re: [H 2016-17/PIH 2016-17 (HA)] Rental Assistance Demonstration (“RAD”) Notice Regarding Fair Housing and Civil Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component – Public Housing Conversions

Through Informative Field Trips and Tours, CLPHA Members Learn from Each Other


Anthony Scott, CEO of Durham Housing Authority (left) and A. Fulton Meachem, President & CEO of Charlotte Housing Authority (right) in Durham, NC.


CLPHA is pleased to see that our members are visiting each other’s communities to share knowledge, ideas, and best practices for preserving and strengthening their public housing portfolios and resident services.

RAD Cap Lifted in FY2018 Senate THUD


Senate appropriators yesterday marked up their THUD appropriations bill for FY 2018, offering a strong rebuke to the Trump Administration’s housing proposals for the coming fiscal year. Their request for HUD is $8.84 billion above the Administration’s proposal, and $1.94 billion above the FY18 House THUD request.

Equally encouraging, the Senate THUD marks significantly advance several key measures for expanding RAD by:

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