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In “Austin Goes All in with RADAffordable Housing Finance’s Donna Kimura covers the Housing Authority of the City of Austin’s (HACA) progress in converting its 1,839 public housing units to project-based rental assistance through the RAD program. Now 80 percent complete after three years, HACA is on track to complete its portfolio conversion in the next year and a half.
From Multi-Housing News: Sixteen Manhattan public housing properties will be the latest developments to get much-needed repairs as part of the New York City Housing Authority’s Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program. The improvements, that will impact more than 2,900 residents, will include new bathrooms, kitchens and flooring in apartments as well as replacements of...
From LOCAL 12/WKRC-TV: Upgrades are coming to the region’s largest affordable housing provider. Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority or CMHA says it’s starting to address more than $190 million in much-needed improvements. This will impact the lives of families in our spotlight on childhood poverty a Cincinnati Crisis. Julian Williams showed us around his new place. “Not...

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