In The News

CLPHA Executive Director Speaks to Marketplace about Tech Companies' Investments in Affordable Housing


In an interview with radio program Marketplace for its November 4 story "Apple pledges $2.5 billion to ease California’s housing crisis," CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman told reporter Jack Stewart that Apple's recent $2.5 billion Bay Area affordable housing pledge is an important starting point in addressing the nation's affordable housing shortage, but also noted that much more money is needed to help public housin

CLPHA Op-Ed Calls for More PHA Resources to Address Housing Insecurity


In a new op-ed for The Hill, a prominent political newspaper widely read by policymakers, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman underscores the role of public housing authorities (PHAs) as essential partners in local efforts to house those who are particularly vulnerable to housing insecurity, including unsheltered families, veterans, people with disabilities, youth aging out of foster care, victims of domestic violence, and r

CLPHA’s Sunia Zaterman Discusses the Current Turning Point for Public Housing in Affordable Housing Finance


Part two of Affordable Housing Finance’s special report “Turning Point for Public Housing,” explores tools such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) that public housing authorities can use to recapitalize and redevelop properties for their residents and communities.

CLPHA's Executive Director tells Affordable Housing Finance How RAD Can Be a Turning Point for Public Housing


In Affordable Housing Finance's article "Turning Point for Public Housing," CLPHA' Executive Director Sunia Zaterman says of the massive capital needs backlog facing public housing authorities that  “[t]he handwriting has been on the wall. The funding levels were not sustainable."

The Columbian Quotes CLPHA & VHA Executive Directors on How Proposed Trump Budget Would Shred Social Safety Nets


Vancouver, WA newspaper The Columbian quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman about the disastrous effect President Trump's budget proposal would have on pubic and affordable housing in their article "Trump’s budget would cut social safety nets:

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