Climate Resiliency
10 Year Roadmap for Public Housing Sustainability to Create Strategic Framework for Transformed Affordable Housing Stock, Improved Life Outcomes

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Cincinnati MHA Earns Prestigious Honor Participating in The Clean Air Academy
From the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority's press release:
PAHRC, NLIHC Report Examines Equity in Crisis and Safeguarding Renters Amid Natural Disasters

HUD Publishes Notice on Extreme Heat in Public Housing
HUD, New York State Tour Unique Sustainable Senior Housing Complex in Yonkers
From the Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Yonkers' press release:
Officials from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the NYS Office of Housing and Community Renewal were among those who toured a unique senior housing complex in Southwest Yonkers that is being built by the Yonkers Housing Authority and the non-profit Mulford Corporation.
How Miami-Dade County is protecting public housing residents from dangerous heat waves
From Yale Climate Connections:
The federal government requires all public housing to be heated to keep residents warm, but it does not require cooling. So during heat waves, people may be at risk of heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses, especially as the climate warms.
So Miami-Dade County has taken action on its own.
Opportunity Home San Antonio Receives EPA Funding to Close Solar Equity Gap
From Opportunity Home San Antonio's press release:
Opportunity Home San Antonio will be a sub-recipient of a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to bridge the solar equity gap and work toward achieving net-zero energy across its properties. The organization is a member of the Texas Solar for All Coalition, which was awarded $249.7 million as part of the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.
Vancouver, WA Gets Million-dollar Grant for Energy Efficiency Upgrades in Affordable Housing
From KATU 2 Vancouver:
The City of Vancouver was awarded a million-dollar grant for affordable housing upgrades this week.
According to the city, the grant is from the Washington State Department of Commerce for energy efficiency upgrades in affordable housing.
The grant will be used to focus on high-efficiency appliance upgrades, siding repair, window replacement for increased insulation, air sealing and heat pump installations.