Senate Passes Third Coronavirus Relief and Funding Bill
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Ask Congress to Include Public Housing in the COVID-19 Economic Relief Bill
Pew Stateline Quotes CLPHA Executive Director, Members on Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on PHAs
Pew Charitable Trust's state policy news outlet Stateline quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman and CLPHA member executive directors in an article about the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on public housing authorities.
Affordable Housing Finance Covers CLPHA's Call for COVID-19 Emergency Funds and Regulatory Relief
Affordable Housing Finance covered CLPHA's press statement calling for $8.5 billion in emergency funds as well as regulatory relief for public housing authorities during the coronavirus pandemic.
CLPHA Standing Calls: Every Monday and Thursday at 1:00 p.m. ET
CLPHA is hosting standing calls for members every Monday and Thursday at 1:00 p.m. ET/10:00 a.m. PT for PHAs to discuss their communications and operations strategies, as well as their funding and regulatory relief needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. CLPHA members can visit to see notes and summaries from all our past COVID-19 calls as well as information about future calls.
CLPHA Teleworking Until Further Notice
In order to protect the health and safety of our staff and our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, our Washington, D.C. offices have closed and all CLPHA staff will be teleworking for the foreseeable future.
CLPHA Requests $8.5 Billion in COVID-19 Emergency Funds from Congress
On Thursday, March 19, CLPHA sent letters to Congressional leaders and U.S.
CLPHA Urges HUD to Provide Regulatory Relief to Public Housing Authorities During COVID-19 Response
On Thursday, March 19, CLPHA sent a letter to U.S.
CLPHA Creates New Online Community and Discussion Forum for COVID-19 Coordination
A new online community on called CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination will serve as a go-to platform for PHAs to communicate with each other about preparedness and response efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic.