
Development of 100 Apartments for Seniors with Low Income Breaks Ground in San Ysidro (San Diego Housing Commission)


From the San Diego Housing Commission's press release:

An empty dirt lot in San Ysidro is getting a new purpose as an affordable housing community with rental apartments for 100 seniors with low income, including 25 for seniors who have experienced homelessness, a transformation made possible through collaboration with the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC).

Vista Nueva Community Nearly Finalized, Set to Welcome Families Soon (Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency)


From the Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency's newsletter:

SHRA in partnership with the City of Sacramento, and Jamboree, an Irvine-based affordable housing developer, are working to finalize a permanent supportive housing community in Sacramento that will support formerly homeless families with at least one minor child.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Announces $694 Million in Homekey Awards to Create More than 2,500 New Homeless Housing Units Statewide


From Governor Gavin Newsom's press release:

Alongside state and local leaders at a new Homekey project in Los Angeles preparing to welcome tenants, Governor Gavin Newsom today announced the award of $694 million for 35 projects that will create more than 2,500 new units in 19 communities throughout the state. In total, including today’s announcement, California’s nation-leading Homekey program has funded more than 200 projects statewide – creating more than 12,500 permanent and interim homes for people exiting homelessness.

San Diego Housing Commission Building New Affordable Studio Apartments in Nestor for Seniors Experiencing Homelessness


From the San Diego Housing Commission's press release:

More than 70 seniors experiencing homelessness in the City of San Diego will have permanent rental homes of their own along with supportive services upon the completion of a new development in collaboration with the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) that celebrated its groundbreaking today.

Homeless families, individuals given priority as tenants of affordable Ventura apartments (Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura)


From the Ventura County Star:

"Homeless individuals and previously homeless families will be prioritized as tenants of an affordable housing project set to open at Ventura's Westview Village.

The project is located in west Ventura between Olive and Riverside streets along Barnett, Warner, Flint and Vince streets. Of the 320 affordable units, 20 will be set aside for previously homeless families and five for homeless individuals.


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